Travel Photography And Travel Writing: Articles, Programs, Blogs, Travel Resources

Blogging while you travel can enrich your journey in more ways than one. 
Travel writing is one of those professions that most people think is really cool, easy and fun - staying in fancy hotels or visiting exotic locales 24/7 and whipping up a quick article here and there - but it's actually one of the most misunderstood.
Our photos can have a major effect on the people and places we visit. Here are some ways to help make it a positive one.
Have you ever wondered what a hero looks like? Verge is proud to introduce our 2009 Global Heroes: 14 men and women who are doing their part to make a difference in the developing world.
Photographer Kees Sprengers captures a moment in time for North West Lao cultures in transition.
A chance meeting with an Indonesian farmer teaches Shane Barter that everyone has a story.
Snapping shots of people is easy; slowing down and turning it into a genuine encounter is a whole different story. Photographer Trevor Lush explains how.
Brendan Sainsbury discusses the challenges and pleasures of his career as a guidebook writer for Lonely Planet.
What makes a good image? Pro photographer Trevor Lush offers some simple rules of thumb for composing your shot (but feel free to break them!).
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