List Categories and Listings by A

The Angloschool staff is made up of approximately 20 Polish teachers and 10 native English speakers. All teachers have at least one university degree in addition to CELTA certification, or the equivalent. The teachers are supervised by a Head Teacher, who ...

Category Teach Abroad

AfID offers accountants from around the world the opportunity to use their skills to support a broad range of non-profit organisations globally. Volunteer assignments of between 2 weeks and 12 months, or longer permanent placements, form part of an ongoin ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Present in over 126 countries and territories and with over 90,000 members, AIESEC is the world's largest student-run organization. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to be global ...

Category Work Abroad

Le programme Québec sans frontières permet aux jeunes de 18-35 ans de vivre une expérience interculturelle intense en plus d’une première expérience en solidarité internationale. Ce programme a permis à plus de 7 000 jeunes de s’engager auprès de multiple ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Askari Wilderness Conservation Programme offers the experience of a lifetime - the chance for volunteers to make a real contribution to conservation and wildlife research in Africa. Askari is based on 'Pidwa Wilderness' and volunteers become part of the f ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

The Benander Academic Scholarship is designed for the Athena student who can best demonstrate a true love of learning in his/her major area of study, and superior academic abilities.

Category Funding

Aang Serian offers two main volunteer programmes, the Teach and Learn Programme and Building for the Future Programme at the Noonkodin Secondary School. Projects focus on education and construction and building projects at the school. In addition to these ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Gain valuable teaching experience while learning about Buddhism and authentic Thai culture first hand. The Wat Doi Saket Project (WDSP) is a cultural exchange program that places volunteers to teach conversational English to Buddhist monks in Northern Tha ...

Category Education

The Youths Go Abroad programme is a year-long immersion programme for high school students lasting 10 to 12 months. Students stay with a host family and go to school. Programme options include a year abroad, a semester abroad or an intensive summer progra ...

Category Study Abroad

Many people feel empathy towards animals and would love the opportunity to work with them, but feel they lack sufficient training or experience. To participate in an AEI Experience, you need only have a passion for animals and a desire to help – we provid ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

The aim of AJUDE's volunteer workcamps in Mozambique is to rebuild social cooperation and create economic stability to provide people with access to health care, sanitation and education. Workcamp projects include environmental conservation, AIDS awarenes ...

Category Volunteer Abroad

Namaste and welcome to Alpine Eco Trek, a leading trekking and Travel Company in Nepal recommended by various guide books and travel forums. We are a small adventure company in Nepal and proud to be an eco friendly travel and trekking agency based in Kath ...

Category Adventure Travel

The Fellowship in International Development Management (IDM) programme, sponsored by AKFC in collaboration with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), is designed to develop leadership and management skills and promote learning for outstand ...

Category Work Abroad

Africa and Asia Venture offers Gap Year adventures that combine conservation or education volunteer work with adventure travel. Placements are located in various countries across Africa and Asia and now in Mexico as well. Projects include work in local sc ...

Category Adventure Travel

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s German Chancellor Fellowship Programme is targeted at university graduates from the United States, the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, Brazil and India who have an international outlook and initi ...

Category Funding

The Scott and Paul Pearsall Scholarship supports graduate work that seeks to increase the public’s understanding of the psychological pain and stigma experienced by adults living with physical disabilities, such as cerebral palsy.

Category Funding

Ann Nunes was Director of the ASE Programme from 1997-2004. The Ann Nunes Scholarship is available each semester to a student on the ASE Education Programme.

Category Funding

This undergraduate scholarship honors George Minor for his long and dedicated service to the AACCI Milling and Baking Division and the industry.

Category Funding

To support an individual project of a scholarly nature, related to Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology.

Category Funding

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