Junior Professional Officers are young professionals (under the age of 35) who are selected by their governments through a rigorous recruitment process to work for WFP. The government pays the JPO

Real Gap Experience can help participants live dreams of a working holiday! A working holiday is the perfect way to experience the world to its fullest. Participants may are not necessarily be looking for work in their field (and that is often not allowed ...

Search Associates tries to match qualified teachers and interns with vacancies in international schools worldwide. Search Associates offers highly personalized attention to the candidates and schools accepted into the programme. Search Associates strives ...

WHO's Internship Programme provides a wide range of opportunities for students to gain insight into the work of WHO. Every year a limited number of places for internships are available. Internships are available in a wide variety of areas related to the t ...

Zayed University has an extensive range of employment opportunities available for talented teaching faculty, and staff. They recruit both male and female teachers as English Instructors, and for other teaching positions. Most faculty commence in early Aug ...

The work undertaken by interns depends on the requirements of the unit/office, and the intern's qualifications and interests. Most interns work on a project which will benefit both them and UNHCR, in fields such as refugee protection (legal), internationa ...

JHR provides an opportunity for experienced journalists and lawyers to contribute to media development and human rights awareness in some of the world's poorest yet most dynamic regions. JHR does not send journalists or lawyers overseas to work by themsel ...

The United Nations International Computing Centre (ICC) has a limited number of places for final year or recently graduated students specializing in information technology. Eligible students are sponsored or encouraged by their institutes, during the cour ...

Centro Venezolano Americano del Zulia (CEVAZ) was created out of the need to create a cultural and mutual understanding exchange program. CEVAZ is one of many Bi-national centers in Latin America which tightens the bonds of friendship between two great na ...

Global Service Corps offers volunteer programmes ranging from two to nine weeks in Thailand and Tanzania. Internship placements of nine weeks and more are available in the same countries. Projects include HIV/AIDS prevention, sustainable agriculture, inte ...

In exchange for childcare in English, au pairs are treated as family members while they take advantage of cultural and educational opportunities. To help au pairs adapt better, this programme provides language support by combining studying in an establish ...

An internship programme for a selected number of applicants who have completed their graduate studies or are pursuing postgraduate studies. Internships could be in the Legislative Branch or the Technical Assistance Section. These sections are tasked, resp ...

Linguarama has a range of established and thriving language training centres in major cities across Europe. Due to growth and internal development they have vacancies arising at these centres throughout the year, particularly in early autumn. They are see ...

The Commission offers every year a limited number of unpaid internships. Interns usually work on projects such as limited research or studies. Opportunities for internships are available subject to the current needs and resources of the individual Divisio ...

The Emerging Leaders for Governance and Communication (ELGC) programme promotes improved governance in developing countries through the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs).

Centro Venezolano Americano's (CVA) International Internship Programme enables foreign graduates coming from the United States and Canada to learn Spanish, get in touch with the Venezuelan ways and culture and also gain valuable teaching experience in a n ...

Every Language, Every Culture, Everywhere, AmeriSpan Programs include Language immersion, Volunteer and Internship programs, College Study Abroad, SALUD Medical Spanish and Portuguese, Professional Development, Programs for Educators, Teenager Summer Abro ...

Junior fellows are persons with a post-graduate degree in criminal law, international law, criminology, or criminal justice who serve in the framework of UNICRI training programme. Junior fellows preferably have previous experience in or with the United N ...

Internships with the ILO provide an opportunity for selected undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students who are pursuing a course of study or work in fields related to the ILO's mandate and activities to: (a) increase their understanding of relevan ...

The Teach-in-China Programme was created to assist those who are interested in teaching English in China to locate positions there. The Teach in China programme has established extensive ties with various types of educational institutions in China, includ ...

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