Work Abroad

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Skillshare International's vision is of a world without poverty, injustice and inequality where people, regardless of cultural, social and political divides, come together for mutual benefit, living in peaceful co-existence. Requests for development worke ...

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) was established in 1965 as an autonomous body within the United Nations with the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of the Organization through appropriate training and research.

Since 1985, Tenuta di Spannocchia and the Etruscan Foundation have hosted volunteers and interns who have worked on the Spannocchia farm in exchange for room and board. In the late 1990s, the Internship Programme developed a more formal syllabus that incl ...

Workforce Humanity gives entry-level humanitarian workers the opportunity to gain international field experience through an internship with an NGO. Position: Program Officer (#B1308-PO)Location: Lagos, Nigeria The Role: The incumbent will identify, def ...

Serving through adventure, the Mzungu Program isn’t about adventures only it's also about being part of a community of like-minded people. Ordinary people, who want to do something extraordinary with their lives, make a difference in the world and make ne ...

In collaboration with local organizations, Institute for Field Research Expeditions (IFRE) presently offers volunteer and intern abroad programs in Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, China, Thailand, Peru, Costa Rica, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania. Their ...

Europe Language Jobs is an online job board that specialises in multilingual jobs and internships across the European employment sector. Our service acts as a meeting point between candidates and companies located in Europe, offering opportunities in over ...

English for Kids runs summer camps for children in Austria. These camps allow for native English speakers to work in Austria as teachers or counsellors. Positions available include English Teachers, Homeroom Supervisors and Camp Counsellors. Staff receive ...

EarthCorps offers a six-month training course in Seattle, Washington that brings emerging environmental leaders from across the U.S. and around the world. This training programme is ideal for the volunteers or staff of organizations that work with youth a ...

iXperience seeks to advance your career whilst you experience the discovery of new cities around the world. We take our students on specialised excursions in each city and provide a flexible online learning experience with industry experts. Our valuable b ...

The United Nations provides opportunities for students enrolled in a graduate programme to undertake an internship at its Headquarters in New York. The objective of the internship programme is threefold: a) to provide a framework by which graduate and pos ...

CISV was organized to give life to the idea that education for peace starts with children. The method of education is learning through doing; it is action in progress. This is the idea behind the Village. The Village is a four-week long international resi ...

An opportunity for students to gain valuable experience related to their current academic field of study, and helps prepare them for a successful transition from school to the working world. Participants who qualify for a co-op education programme at one ...

You will grow and learn so much on your year but it can be overwhelming to get started. This Gap Year Certification Community will provide you with tools for designing your gap year, a community of people on the same journey, access to gap year experts an ...

The Student Guide Programme in France is an opportunity to travel, meet long-lasting friends, and teach people from around the world about Canadian history in both official languages. The programme is managed by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC). Join other s ...

CDS International offers a range of internship, fellowship, co-op, international exchange and professional development programs in the U.S., Germany, Spain, and Argentina.

Torrens Valley Orchards employs people all year round. They are constantly seeking young, keen, energetic staff to perform a range of duties. Many travellers and students are only with them for a few weeks but in many cases they are the backbone of the bu ...

The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) accepts a limited number of unpaid interns on an ad hoc basis. The objective of the internship programme is to enhance the educational experience of graduate and post-graduate ...

Máximo Nivel believes in experiential education as a means to develop skills and understanding; ultimately, transforming international learners and travelers into global citizens and leaders. We are dedicated to providing a successful and supportive learn ...

The Au-pair Programme is an international agreement for a young person to spend a period in a foreign country (with the aim of learning a language), living with a family, in which she will be treated like one of the same. For their part, the family want t ...

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